A comparison of the nutritional profile and price of gluten-free products and their gluten-containing counterparts available in the Spanish market

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Babio, Nancy
Lladó-Bellette, Núria
Besora-Moreno, María
Castillejo, Gemma
Guillén, Núria
Martínez-Cerezo, Francesc
Vilchez, Elisenda
Roger, Esther
Hernández-Alonso, Pablo
Salas Salvadó, Jordi


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SENPE y Arán Ediciones S.L.
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Introducción: hasta la fecha, una dieta sin gluten (SG) es el único tratamiento para las personas con enfermedad celíaca. Tanto las evaluaciones de ingesta de alimentos individuales como las colectivas son un desafío debido a la falta de una base de datos de composición de productos SG (PSG). Objetivos: describir el proceso de desarrollo de una base de datos de composición de PSG y comparar el perfil nutricional y el precio de algunos PSG y productos con gluten. Métodos: inicialmente, se registraron un total de 216 marcas de PSG comercializadas en España. La información nutricional se recopiló de las etiquetas nutricionales y hojas informativas de los productos, que habían sido proporcionadas por las compañías de alimentos o recopiladas de primera mano por los investigadores. Luego, se compararon el perfil nutricional y el precio de los grupos de cereales y subproductos alimenticios, incluidos 19 tipos de productos. Los análisis estadísticos se realizaron utilizando el programa estadístico SPSS (edición 22.0; SPSS, Chicago, IL, EUA). Resultados: se incluyeron un total de 2247 PSG de 126 marcas de alimentos diferentes en la base de datos de composición de PSG (CELIAC-BASE). Clasificamos estos productos en 14 grupos de alimentos. El contenido de proteínas de los PSG estudiados fue significativamente menor, y el precio de los mismos fue más alto, que el de sus homólogos con gluten. Algunos PSG, pero no todos, presentaron un mayor contenido de grasa y azúcar, y un menor contenido de fibra dietética, que sus homólogos con gluten. Algunos PSG eran hasta 6 veces más caros que sus homólogos con gluten. Conclusiones: CELIAC-BASE es una herramienta pionera para dietistas-nutricionistas. Muchos PSG tienen perfiles nutricionales no saludables y deben consumirse solo ocasionalmente en una dieta equilibrada libre de gluten.
Background: to date, gluten-free (GF) diet is the only treatment available for individuals with celiac disease. Both individual and collective food intake assessments are a challenge because a food composition database of GF products (GFPs) is lacking. Objectives: to describe the process of developing a food composition database of GFPs, and to compare the nutritional profile and price of some GFPs and non-GFPs. Methods: initially, a total of 216 brands of GFPs marketed in Spain were recorded. Nutritional information was collected from nutritional labels and product fact sheets that had been provided by food companies or collected first-hand by researchers. Then, the nutritional profile and price of the cereal and cereal byproducts foodstuff groups, including 19 types of products, were compared. Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS statistical program (22.0 edition; SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). Results: a total of 2,247 GFPs from 126 different foodstuff brands were included in the food composition database of GFPs (CELIAC-BASE). We classified these products into 14 foodstuff groups. The protein content of the GFPs studied was significantly lower, and the price was higher, than that of their non-GFP counterparts. Some, but not all, GFPs had a higher content of fat and sugar, and a lower content of dietary fiber as compared to their non-GFP counterparts. Some GFPs were up to 6 times more expensive than the corresponding non-GFPs. Conclusions: CELIAC-BASE is a pioneering tool for dietitians. Many GFPs have poor nutritional profiles and should be consumed only occasionally in a balanced GF diet.


MeSH Terms

Medical Subject Headings::Diseases::Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases::Metabolic Diseases::Malabsorption Syndromes::Celiac Disease
Medical Subject Headings::Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment::Therapeutics::Nutrition Therapy::Diet Therapy::Diet, Gluten-Free
Medical Subject Headings::Technology and Food and Beverages::Technology, Industry, and Agriculture::Industry::Food Industry::Food Technology::Food Analysis
Medical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins::Proteins::Plant Proteins::Seed Storage Proteins::Prolamins::Glutens
Medical Subject Headings::Organisms::Eukaryota::Animals::Chordata::Vertebrates::Mammals::Primates::Haplorhini::Catarrhini::Hominidae::Humans
Medical Subject Headings::Geographical Locations::Geographic Locations::Europe::Spain
Medical Subject Headings::Technology and Food and Beverages::Technology, Industry, and Agriculture::Commerce
Medical Subject Headings::Technology and Food and Beverages::Technology, Industry, and Agriculture::Industry::Food Industry::Food Technology::Food Quality::Nutritive Value

DeCS Terms

CIE Terms


Celiac disease, Nutritional assessment, Glutenfree diet, Enfermedad celíaca, Evaluación nutricional, Dieta libre de gluten


Babio N, Lladó Bellette N, Besora-Moreno M, Castillejo G, Guillén N, Martínez-Cerezo F, et al. A comparison of the nutritional profile and price of gluten-free products and their gluten-containing counterparts available in the Spanish market. Nutr Hosp. 2020 Aug 27;37(4):814-822.