Publication: Human Exposure to Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Prenatal Risk Factors for Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias: A Nested Case-Control Study
Fernandez, Mariana F
Olmos, Begoña
Granada, Alicia
López-Espinosa, Maria José
Molina-Molina, José-Manuel
Fernandez, Juan Manuel
Cruz, Milagros
Olea-Serrano, Fátima
Olea, Nicolás
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National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
BACKGROUND. Exposure to xenoestrogens during pregnancy may disturb the development and function of male sexual organs. OBJECTIVE.
In this study we aimed to determine whether the combined effect of environmental estrogens measured as total effective xenoestrogen burden (TEXB) is a risk factor for male urogenital malformations. METHODS. In a case-control study, nested in a mother-child cohort (n = 702) established at Granada University Hospital, we compared 50 newborns with diagnosis of cryptorchidism and/or hypospadias with 114 boys without malformations matched by gestational age, date of birth, and parity. Controls did not differ from the total cohort in confounding variables. TEXB and levels of 16 organochlorine pesticides were measured in placenta tissues. Characteristics of parents, pregnancy, and birth were gathered by questionnaire. We used conditional and unconditional regression models to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS. TEXB from organohalogenated compounds was detectable in 72% and 54% of case and control placentas, respectively. Compared with controls, cases had an OR for detectable versus non-detectable TEXB of 2.82 (95% CI, 1.10-7.24). More pesticides were detected in cases than in controls (9.34 +/- 3.19 vs. 6.97 +/- 3.93). ORs for cases with detectable levels of pesticides, after adjusting for potential confounders in the conditional regression analysis, were o,p'-DDT (OR = 2.25; 95% CI, 1.03-4.89), p,p'-DDT (OR = 2.63; 95% CI, 1.21-5.72), lindane (OR = 3.38; 95% CI, 1.36-8.38), mirex (OR = 2.85; 95% CI, 1.22-6.66), and endosulfan alpha (OR = 2.19; 95% CI, 0.99-4.82). Engagement of mothers in agriculture (OR = 3.47; 95% CI, 1.33-9.03), fathers' occupational exposure to xenoestrogens (OR = 2.98; 95% CI, 1.11-8.01), and history of previous stillbirths (OR = 4.20; 95% CI, 1.11-16.66) were also associated with risk of malformations.
We found an increased risk for male urogenital malformations related to the combined effect of environmental estrogens in placenta.
Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't. Reproduced with permission from Environmental Health Perspectives
MeSH Terms
Medical Subject Headings::Technology, Industry, Agriculture::Technology, Industry, and Agriculture::Agriculture
Medical Subject Headings::Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment::Investigative Techniques::Epidemiologic Methods::Epidemiologic Study Characteristics as Topic::Epidemiologic Studies::Case-Control Studies
Medical Subject Headings::Diseases::Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities::Congenital Abnormalities::Urogenital Abnormalities::Cryptorchidism
Medical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Chemical Actions and Uses::Pharmacologic Actions::Physiological Effects of Drugs::Endocrine Disruptors
Medical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Chemical Actions and Uses::Pharmacologic Actions::Physiological Effects of Drugs::Hormones, Hormone Substitutes, and Hormone Antagonists::Hormones::Estrogens
Medical Subject Headings::Check Tags::Female
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services::Health Facilities::Academic Medical Centers::Hospitals, Teaching::Hospitals, University
Medical Subject Headings::Organisms::Eukaryota::Animals::Chordata::Vertebrates::Mammals::Primates::Haplorhini::Catarrhini::Hominidae::Humans
Medical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Organic Chemicals::Hydrocarbons::Hydrocarbons, Halogenated::Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated
Medical Subject Headings::Diseases::Male Urogenital Diseases::Genital Diseases, Male::Penile Diseases::Hypospadias
Medical Subject Headings::Named Groups::Persons::Age Groups::Infant::Infant, Newborn
Medical Subject Headings::Check Tags::Male
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Environment and Public Health::Public Health::Environmental Pollution::Environmental Exposure::Maternal Exposure
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Environment and Public Health::Public Health::Environmental Pollution::Environmental Exposure::Occupational Exposure
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Environment and Public Health::Public Health::Environmental Pollution::Environmental Exposure::Paternal Exposure
Medical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Chemical Actions and Uses::Toxic Actions::Pesticides::Pesticide Residues
Medical Subject Headings::Anatomy::Embryonic Structures::Placenta
Medical Subject Headings::Phenomena and Processes::Reproductive and Urinary Physiological Phenomena::Reproductive Physiological Phenomena::Reproductive Physiological Processes::Reproduction::Pregnancy
Medical Subject Headings::Information Science::Information Science::Data Collection::Questionnaires
Medical Subject Headings::Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment::Investigative Techniques::Epidemiologic Methods::Statistics as Topic::Probability::Risk::Risk Factors
Medical Subject Headings::Geographicals::Geographic Locations::Europe::Spain
Medical Subject Headings::Named Groups::Persons::Age Groups::Adult
Medical Subject Headings::Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment::Investigative Techniques::Epidemiologic Methods::Epidemiologic Study Characteristics as Topic::Epidemiologic Studies::Case-Control Studies
Medical Subject Headings::Diseases::Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities::Congenital Abnormalities::Urogenital Abnormalities::Cryptorchidism
Medical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Chemical Actions and Uses::Pharmacologic Actions::Physiological Effects of Drugs::Endocrine Disruptors
Medical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Chemical Actions and Uses::Pharmacologic Actions::Physiological Effects of Drugs::Hormones, Hormone Substitutes, and Hormone Antagonists::Hormones::Estrogens
Medical Subject Headings::Check Tags::Female
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services::Health Facilities::Academic Medical Centers::Hospitals, Teaching::Hospitals, University
Medical Subject Headings::Organisms::Eukaryota::Animals::Chordata::Vertebrates::Mammals::Primates::Haplorhini::Catarrhini::Hominidae::Humans
Medical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Organic Chemicals::Hydrocarbons::Hydrocarbons, Halogenated::Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated
Medical Subject Headings::Diseases::Male Urogenital Diseases::Genital Diseases, Male::Penile Diseases::Hypospadias
Medical Subject Headings::Named Groups::Persons::Age Groups::Infant::Infant, Newborn
Medical Subject Headings::Check Tags::Male
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Environment and Public Health::Public Health::Environmental Pollution::Environmental Exposure::Maternal Exposure
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Environment and Public Health::Public Health::Environmental Pollution::Environmental Exposure::Occupational Exposure
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Environment and Public Health::Public Health::Environmental Pollution::Environmental Exposure::Paternal Exposure
Medical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Chemical Actions and Uses::Toxic Actions::Pesticides::Pesticide Residues
Medical Subject Headings::Anatomy::Embryonic Structures::Placenta
Medical Subject Headings::Phenomena and Processes::Reproductive and Urinary Physiological Phenomena::Reproductive Physiological Phenomena::Reproductive Physiological Processes::Reproduction::Pregnancy
Medical Subject Headings::Information Science::Information Science::Data Collection::Questionnaires
Medical Subject Headings::Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment::Investigative Techniques::Epidemiologic Methods::Statistics as Topic::Probability::Risk::Risk Factors
Medical Subject Headings::Geographicals::Geographic Locations::Europe::Spain
Medical Subject Headings::Named Groups::Persons::Age Groups::Adult
DeCS Terms
CIE Terms
Estrógenos, Hidrocarburos Clorados, Residuos de Plaguicidas, Disruptores Endocrinos, Agricultura, Estudios de Casos y Controles, Criptorquidismo, Femenino, Hospitales Universitarios, Humanos, Hipospadias, Recién Nacido, Masculino, Maternal Exposure, Exposición Profesional, Exposición Paterna, Placenta, Embarazo, Cuestionarios, Factores de Riesgo, Adulto, España
Fernandez MF, Olmos B, Granada A, López-Espinosa MJ, Molina-Molina JM, Fernandez JM, et al. Human exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals and prenatal risk factors for cryptorchidism and hypospadias: a nested case-control study. Environ. Health Perspect.. 2007 Dec; 115 Suppl 1:8-14