Alberca-Páramo, AnaGarcía-Santos, Esther PilarPadilla-Valverde, DavidVillarejo-Campos, PedroEstaire-Gómez, MercedesFernández, Jesús Martín2023-02-092023-02-092020 of the common bile duct (BCBD) is an unusual congenital disorder. A 80-year-old woman with duplication of the common bile duct with retrograde endoscopic cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) who did not resolve the symptoms. Our case is a variant of type IV to the classification of DCBC. The MR cholangiography and presurgical ERCP allows assessment of the bile ducts, their caliber, and assessment of abnormalities. The treatment before DCBC will depend on the clinic and the type of opening of the CBCA. It is important to perform a pre-surgical study and during surgery with CIO.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International common bile ductCommon bile ductConducto biliar comúnConducto biliar común accesorioDuplicaciónDuplicationAged, 80 and overBalloon EmbolectomyCholangiographyCholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic RetrogradeCholecystitisChronic DiseaseCombined Modality TherapyCommon Bile DuctFemaleHepatic Duct, CommonHumansMagnetic Resonance ImagingProstheses and ImplantsSphincterotomy, EndoscopicTomography, X-Ray ComputedUrsodeoxycholic AcidAnatomy variant symptomatic of the duplication of the common bile duct type IV.Variante anatómica sintomática de la duplicación de la vía biliar común tipo IV.research article32539001open access10.24875/CIRU.190011092444-054X