Frutos, Miguel AngelCrespo, Martade la Oliva Valentin, MariaAlonso-Melgar, AngelAlonso, JuanaFernandez, ConstantinoGarcia-Erauzkin, GorkaGonzalez, EstherGonzalez-Rinne, Ana M.Guirado, LluisGutierrez-Dalmau, AlexHuguet, JorgeLopez del Moral, Jose LuisMusquera, MireiaParedes, DavidRedondo, DoloresRevuelta, IgnacioVan-der Hofstadt, Carlos J.Alcaraz, AntonioAlonso-Hernandez, AngelAlonso, ManuelBernabeu, PurificacionBernal, GabrielBreda, AlbertoCabello, MercedesLuis Caro-Oleas, JoseCid, JoanDiekmann, FritzEspinosa, LauraFacundo, CarmeGarcia, MartaGil-Vernet, SalvadorLozano, MiquelMahillo, BeatrizJose Martinez, MariaMiranda, BlancaOppenheimer, FedericoPalou, EduardJose Perez-Saez, MariaPeri, LluisRodriguez, OscarSantiago, CarlosTabernero, GuadalupeHernandez, DomingoDominguez-Gil, BeatrizPascual, Julio2023-05-032023-05-032022-04-110211-6995 guide for living donor renal transplantation (LDRT) has been prepared with the sponsorship of the Spanish Society of Nephrology (SEN), the Spanish Transplant Society (SET), and the Spanish National Transplant Organization (ONT). It updates evidence to offer the best chronic renal failure treatment when a potential living donor is available. The core aim of this guide is to supply clinicians who evaluate living donors and transplant recipients with the best decision-making tools, to optimise their outcomes.Moreover, the role of living donors in the current RT context should recover the level of importance it had until recently. To this end the new forms of incompatible HLA and/or ABO donation, as well as the paired donation which is possible in several hospitals with experience in LDRT, offer additional ways to treat renal patients with an incompatible donor. Good results in terms of patient and graft survival have expanded the range of circumstances under which living renal donors are accepted. Older donors are now accepted, as are others with factors that affect the decision, such as a borderline clinical history or alterations, which when evaluated may lead to an additional number of transplantations.This guide does not forget that LDRT may lead to risk for the donor. Pre-donation evaluation has to centre on the problems which may arise over the short or long-term, and these have to be described to the potential donor so that they are able to take them into account. Experience over recent years has led to progress in risk analysis, to protect donors' health. This aspect always has to be taken into account by LDRT programmes when evaluating potential donors.Finally, this guide has been designed to aid decision-making, with recommendations and suggestions when uncertainties arise in pre-donation studies. Its overarching aim is to ensure that informed consent is based on high quality studies and information supplied to donors and recipients, offering the strongest possible guarantees. (C) 2021 Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. on behalf of Sociedad Espanola de Nefrologia.esAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International renal-diseaseRabbit antithymocyte globulinAntibody-mediated rejectionAntigen-specific immunoadsorptionCoated mycophenolate sodiumPositive cross-matchTerm-follow-upAntilymphocyte induction therapyIntravenous immune globulinGuidelines for living donor kidney transplantationresearch articleopen access10.1016/j.nefro.2021.10.0021989-2284