Rola, PhilippeMiralles-Aguiar, FranciscoArgaiz, EduardoBeaubien-Souligny, WilliamHaycock, KorbinKarimov, TimurDinh, Vi AmSpiegel, Rory2023-02-092023-02-092021-06-19 importance of functional right ventricular failure and resultant splanchnic venous congestion has long been under-appreciated and is difficult to assess by traditional physical examination and standard diagnostic imaging. The recent development of the venous excess ultrasound score (VExUS) and growth of point-of-care ultrasound in the last decade has made for a potentially very useful clinical tool. We review the rationale for its use in several pathologies and illustrate with several clinical cases where VExUS was pivotal in clinical management.enAttribution 4.0 International heart failureCongestive nephropathyPoint-of-care ultrasoundVExUS scoreVenous congestionClinical applications of the venous excess ultrasound (VExUS) score: conceptual review and case series.research article34146184open access10.1186/s13089-021-00232-82524-8987PMC8214649