Moreno-Küstner, BertaSánchez, Fabiola González2023-02-082023-02-082019-11-21 objective of this study is to confirm from Deaths with Judicial Intervention (DIJ), whether cause of death was suicide, through family information and to establish the percentage of those identified as such in the Statistical Death Bulletin of Judicial Court (BEDJ). For this purpose, the DIJ were selected from the database of the Cementary Park of Málaga in 2017. Information was collected from the family of the deceased, through the Cementary's Psychological Cabinet to confirm or rule out suicide and the BEDJ was subsequently consulted to confirm whether these cases were identified as such. Relatives confirmed 65 suicides, of which only 27% are identified as such in the relevant section of the BEDJ, a document that serves as a source of information for official suicide statistics. From this study we concluded that the family can offer complementary information that would help improve suicide statistics.esAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International de defunciónCauses of deathCementaryCementerioDecesos judicialesFamiliaFamilyJudicial deathsSuicideSuicidioCause of DeathDatabases, FactualHumansReferral and ConsultationSpainSuicide[Notification of suicides in the Statistical Bulletin of Judicial Death in Malaga (Spain)].Subregistro de los suicidios en el Boletín Estadístico de Defunción Judicial en Málaga.research article31761315open access10.1016/j.gaceta.2019.09.0031578-1283