Mora-Ortiz, MarinaAlcala-Diaz, Juan FRangel-Zuñiga, Oriol AlbertoArenas-de Larriva, Antonio PabloAbollo-Jimenez, FernandoLuque-Cordoba, DiegoPriego-Capote, FelicianoMalagon, Maria MDelgado-Lista, JavierOrdovas, Jose MPerez-Martinez, PabloCamargo, AntonioLopez-Miranda, Jose2023-05-032023-05-032022-09-12Mora-Ortiz M, Alcala-Diaz JF, Rangel-Zuñiga OA, Arenas-de Larriva AP, Abollo-Jimenez F, Luque-Cordoba D, et al. Metabolomics analysis of type 2 diabetes remission identifies 12 metabolites with predictive capacity: a CORDIOPREV clinical trial study. BMC Med. 2022 Oct 27;20(1):373 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is one of the most widely spread diseases, affecting around 90% of the patients with diabetes. Metabolomics has proven useful in diabetes research discovering new biomarkers to assist in therapeutical studies and elucidating pathways of interest. However, this technique has not yet been applied to a cohort of patients that have remitted from T2DM. All patients with a newly diagnosed T2DM at baseline (n = 190) were included. An untargeted metabolomics approach was employed to identify metabolic differences between individuals who remitted (RE), and those who did not (non-RE) from T2DM, during a 5-year study of dietary intervention. The biostatistical pipeline consisted of an orthogonal projection on the latent structure discriminant analysis (O-PLS DA), a generalized linear model (GLM), a receiver operating characteristic (ROC), a DeLong test, a Cox regression, and pathway analyses. The model identified a significant increase in 12 metabolites in the non-RE group compared to the RE group. Cox proportional hazard models, calculated using these 12 metabolites, showed that patients in the high-score tercile had significantly (p-value  Our study identified 12 endogenous metabolites with the potential to predict T2DM remission following a dietary intervention. These metabolites, combined with clinical variables, can be used to provide, in clinical practice, a more precise therapy.enAttribution 4.0 International resistanceMetabolomicsProspective human studyHumansBiomarkersDiabetes mellitus, type 2Discriminant analysisMetabolomicsROC CurveMetabolomics analysis of type 2 diabetes remission identifies 12 metabolites with predictive capacity: a CORDIOPREV clinical trial study.Research article36289459open accessAnálisis discriminanteBiomarcadoresCurva ROCDiabetes mellitus tipo 2Metabolómica10.1186/s12916-022-02566-z1741-7015PMC9609192