Cardona, FernandoTúnez, IsaacTasset, InmaculadaGarrido-Sánchez, LourdesCollantes, EduardoTinahones, Francisco José2013-06-142013-06-142008-08Cardona F, Túnez I, Tasset I, Garrido-Sánchez L, Collantes E, Tinahones FJ. Circulating antioxidant defences are decreased in healthy people after a high-fat meal. Br. J. Nutr. 2008; 100(2):312-60007-1145 Article; The research group belongs to the ‘Centros de Investigación en Red’ (CIBER, CB06/03/0018) of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, SAF 2006/12 894 of the MCYT, Madrid, Spain.The aim of this study was to examine the responses of uric acid, antioxidant defences and pro-oxidant variables after a high-fat meal. Twenty-five healthy persons without criteria for the metabolic syndrome, underwent a high-fat meal with Supracal (60 g fat). Measurements were made at baseline and 3 h after the meal of TAG, uric acid, HDL-cholesterol, total proteins and oxidative stress. Following the high-fat meal, we detected a significant increase in pro-oxidative variables and a decrease in antioxidative variables. The uric acid concentrations were significantly lower after the high-fat meal and the reduction correlated significantly with the oxidative stress variables. The inverse relation between reduced uric acid and increased carbonylated proteins remained in multiple regression analysis. We conclude that uric acid is a powerful antioxidant and its reduction following a high-fat meal may be related with its acute antioxidative action.enUric acidOxidative StressPostprandial hyperlipidaemiaHigh-fat mealAntioxidantesHDL-ColesterolGrasas en la DietaPeroxidación de LípidoTriglicéridosMedical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Chemical Actions and Uses::Pharmacologic Actions::Molecular Mechanisms of Pharmacological Action::AntioxidantsMedical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins::Proteins::Blood ProteinsMedical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Lipids::Lipoproteins::Lipoproteins, HDL::Cholesterol, HDLMedical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Lipids::Fats::Dietary FatsMedical Subject Headings::Check Tags::FemaleMedical Subject Headings::Organisms::Eukaryota::Animals::Chordata::Vertebrates::Mammals::Primates::Haplorhini::Catarrhini::Hominidae::HumansMedical Subject Headings::Phenomena and Processes::Chemical Phenomena::Biochemical Phenomena::Biochemical Processes::Lipid PeroxidationMedical Subject Headings::Check Tags::MaleMedical Subject Headings::Named Groups::Persons::Age Groups::Adult::Middle AgedMedical Subject Headings::Phenomena and Processes::Metabolic Phenomena::Metabolism::Oxidative StressMedical Subject Headings::Phenomena and Processes::Digestive System and Oral Physiological Phenomena::Digestive System Physiological Phenomena::Postprandial PeriodMedical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Lipids::Glycerides::TriglyceridesMedical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Heterocyclic Compounds::Alkaloids::Xanthines::Uric AcidMedical Subject Headings::Named Groups::Persons::Age Groups::AdultCirculating antioxidant defences are decreased in healthy people after a high-fat meal.research article18184452open access10.1017/S00071145078943471475-2662