Laredo-Aguilera, Jose AlbertoCobo-Cuenca, Ana IsabelSantacruz-Salas, EsmeraldaMartins, Maria ManuelaRodriguez-Borrego, Maria AuroraLopez-Soto, Pablo JesusCarmona-Torres, Juan Manuel2023-02-082023-02-082019-10-19Laredo-Aguilera JA, Cobo-Cuenca AI, Santacruz-Salas E, Martins MM, Rodríguez-Borrego MA, López-Soto PJ, et al. Levels of Physical Activity, Obesity and Related Factors in Young Adults Aged 18-30 during 2009-2017. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Oct 21;16(20):4033 objective of this study was to analyze the temporal trend of physical activity and bodymass index in young adults aged 18-30 in Spain and to ascertain their relationship withsociodemographic and psychosocial variables in the period of 2009-2017. A descriptivestudy with a sample of 10,061 young adults aged 18-30 years was performed. The data wereobtained from the European Health Survey in Spain in 2009 and 2014 and the National HealthSurvey in 2011/2012 and 2017. The chi-square test was used for qualitative variables, and multiplelinear regression analysis was performed for physical activity. Sedentary levels haddecreased in 2017 as compared to 2011/2012 (p In the period 2011/2012-2017, the sedentary lifestyle of young adults wasreduced and physical activity was increased, with men being more active than women.enAttribution 4.0 International activityYoung adultsAdolescentAdultBody mass indexExerciseFemaleHealth surveysHumansMaleObesitySedentary behaviorSmokersSmokingSpainYoung adultLevels of Physical Activity, Obesity and Related Factors in Young Adults Aged 18-30 during 2009-2017.Research article31640279open accessConducta sedentariaEjercicio físicoEncuestas epidemiológicasEspañaFumadoresObesidadÍndice de masa corporal10.3390/ijerph162040331660-4601PMC6843954