Segura-Jiménez, VíctorGavilán-Carrera, BlancaAcosta-Manzano, PedroCook, Dane B.Estévez-López, FernandoDelgado-Fernández, Manuel2022-08-292022-08-292020-03-09Segura-Jiménez V, Gavilán-Carrera B, Acosta-Manzano P, Cook DB, Estévez-López F, Delgado-Fernández M. Sedentary Time Accumulated in Bouts is Positively Associated with Disease Severity in Fibromyalgia: The Al-Ándalus Project. J Clin Med. 2020 Mar 9;9(3):733 examine the associations of prolonged sedentary time (ST) with disease severity in women with fibromyalgia, and to analyse the combined association of total ST and prolonged ST with the disease severity in this population. Women (n = 451; 51.3 ± 7.6 years old) with fibromyalgia participated. Sedentary time and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) were measured using triaxial accelerometry and ST was processed into 30- and 60-min bouts. Dimensions of fibromyalgia (function, overall, symptoms) and the overall disease impact were assessed with the Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR). Body fat percentage was assessed using a bio-impedance analyser, and physical fitness was assessed with the Senior Fitness Tests Battery. Greater percentage of ST in 30-min bouts and 60-min bouts were associated with worse function, overall, symptoms and the overall impact of the disease (all, P < 0.05). Overall, these associations were statistically significant when additionally controlling for MVPA and overall physical fitness. Participants with low levels of total ST and prolonged ST (>60-min bouts) presented lower overall impact compared to participants with high levels of total ST and prolonged ST (mean difference = 6.56; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.83 to 11.29, P = 0.002). Greater percentage of ST accumulated in 30- and 60-min bouts and a combination of high levels of total and prolonged ST are related to worse disease severity. Although unable to conclude on causality, results suggest it might be advisable to motivate women with fibromyalgia to break prolonged ST and reduce their total daily ST.enAtribución 4.0 Internacional sedentary behaviourSedentary breaksSedentary patternsFibromyalgia severityPhysical activityFibromialgiaEjercicio físicoAndalucíaMedical Subject Headings::Organisms::Eukaryota::Animals::Chordata::Vertebrates::Mammals::Primates::Haplorhini::Catarrhini::Hominidae::HumansMedical Subject Headings::Check Tags::FemaleMedical Subject Headings::Diseases::Nervous System Diseases::Neuromuscular Diseases::Muscular Diseases::FibromyalgiaMedical Subject Headings::Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment::Investigative Techniques::Epidemiologic Methods::Statistics as Topic::Confidence IntervalsMedical Subject Headings::Phenomena and Processes::Physical Phenomena::Magnetic Phenomena::Electromagnetic Phenomena::Electricity::Electric Conductivity::Electric ImpedanceMedical Subject Headings::Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment::Investigative Techniques::AccelerometryMedical Subject Headings::Phenomena and Processes::Musculoskeletal and Neural Physiological Phenomena::Musculoskeletal Physiological Phenomena::Musculoskeletal Physiological Processes::Movement::Motor Activity::ExerciseMedical Subject Headings::Phenomena and Processes::Musculoskeletal and Neural Physiological Phenomena::Musculoskeletal Physiological Phenomena::Physical FitnessMedical Subject Headings::Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment::Investigative Techniques::Epidemiologic Methods::Data Collection::Health SurveysMedical Subject Headings::Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment::Investigative Techniques::Epidemiologic Methods::Data Collection::QuestionnairesMedical Subject Headings::Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment::Investigative Techniques::Epidemiologic Methods::Data Collection::Health Surveys::Health Status Indicators::Patient Acuity::Severity of Illness IndexMedical Subject Headings::Anatomy::Tissues::Connective Tissue::Adipose TissueMedical Subject Headings::Geographical Locations::Geographic Locations::Europe::SpainSedentary Time Accumulated in Bouts is Positively Associated with Disease Severity in Fibromyalgia: The Al-Ándalus Projectresearch article32182753open access10.3390/jcm90307332077-0383PMC7141225