RT Journal Article T1 Oxidative Stress, Telomere Shortening, and Apoptosis Associated to Sarcopenia and Frailty in Patients with Multimorbidity. A1 Bernabeu-Wittel, Máximo A1 Gómez-Díaz, Raquel A1 González-Molina, Álvaro A1 Vidal-Serrano, Sofía A1 Díez-Manglano, Jesús A1 Salgado, Fernando A1 Soto-Martín, María A1 Ollero-Baturone, Manuel A1 On Behalf Of The Proteo Researchers, K1 apoptosis K1 frailty K1 multimorbidity K1 oxidative stress K1 polypathological patients K1 sarcopenia K1 telomere length AB The presence of oxidative stress, telomere shortening, and apoptosis in polypathological patients (PP) with sarcopenia and frailty remains unknown. Multicentric prospective observational study in order to assess oxidative stress markers (catalase, glutathione reductase (GR), total antioxidant capacity to reactive oxygen species (TAC-ROS), and superoxide dismutase (SOD)), absolute telomere length (aTL), and apoptosis (DNA fragmentation) in peripheral blood samples of a hospital-based population of PP. Associations of these biomarkers to sarcopenia, frailty, functional status, and 12-month mortality were analyzed. Of the 444 recruited patients, 97 (21.8%), 278 (62.6%), and 80 (18%) were sarcopenic, frail, or both, respectively. Oxidative stress markers (lower TAC-ROS and higher SOD) were significantly enhanced and aTL significantly shortened in patients with sarcopenia, frailty or both syndromes. No evidence of apoptosis was detected in blood leukocytes of any of the patients. Both oxidative stress markers (GR, p = 0.04) and telomere shortening (p = 0.001) were associated to death risk and to less survival days. Oxidative stress markers and telomere length were enhanced and shortened, respectively, in blood samples of polypathological patients with sarcopenia and/or frailty. Both were associated to decreased survival. They could be useful in the clinical practice to assess vulnerable populations with multimorbidity and of potential interest as therapeutic targets. SN 2077-0383 YR 2020 FD 2020-08-18 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10668/27520 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10668/27520 LA en DS RISalud RD Feb 24, 2025