RT Journal Article T1 The repair of large ventral hernias in patients with severe cardio-respiratory disease: Volume transposition technique. A1 Lara, F J Pérez A1 Berges, A Ferrer A1 Valdenebro, M J Mairena A1 Fernández, J Doblas A1 Del Rey Moreno, A A1 Muñoz, H Oliva K1 Cardio-respiratory disease K1 Large ventral hernias K1 Surgery K1 Technique K1 Volume AB Massive hernias of the abdominal wall present a major challenge to the general surgeon. In some extreme cases of patients with severe cardio-respiratory disease, the repair of such hernias may be impracticable. In these cases, we believe the volume transposition technique is appropriate. In this approach, the hernia volume is calculated and the wall repaired with mesh to accommodate the estimated volume of the hernia sac, thus avoiding any increase in intra-abdominal pressure. We believe this technique is simple, reproducible and useful in cases that are inoperable due to cardio-respiratory problems that make any loss of lung volume unacceptable. YR 2016 FD 2016-04-28 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10668/10044 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10668/10044 LA en DS RISalud RD Feb 14, 2025