%0 Journal Article %A Monferrer, Ezequiel %A Vieco-Martí, Isaac %A López-Carrasco, Amparo %A Fariñas, Fernando %A Abanades, Sergio %A de la Cruz-Merino, Luis %A Noguera, Rosa %A Álvaro Naranjo, Tomás %T Metabolic Classification and Intervention Opportunities for Tumor Energy Dysfunction. %D 2021 %@ 2218-1989 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10668/17701 %X A comprehensive view of cell metabolism provides a new vision of cancer, conceptualized as tissue with cellular-altered metabolism and energetic dysfunction, which can shed light on pathophysiological mechanisms. Cancer is now considered a heterogeneous ecosystem, formed by tumor cells and the microenvironment, which is molecularly, phenotypically, and metabolically reprogrammable. A wealth of evidence confirms metabolic reprogramming activity as the minimum common denominator of cancer, grouping together a wide variety of aberrations that can affect any of the different metabolic pathways involved in cell physiology. This forms the basis for a new proposed classification of cancer according to the altered metabolic pathway(s) and degree of energy dysfunction. Enhanced understanding of the metabolic reprogramming pathways of fatty acids, amino acids, carbohydrates, hypoxia, and acidosis can bring about new therapeutic intervention possibilities from a metabolic perspective of cancer. %K tumor ecosystem %K tumor microenvironment %K tumor reprogramming %~