RT Journal Article T1 [Comprehensive approach to children with cerebral palsy]. T2 Abordaje integral del niño con parálisis cerebral. A1 Peláez Cantero, María José A1 Moreno Medinilla, Esther Eugenia A1 Cordón Martínez, Ana A1 Gallego Gutiérrez, Silvia K1 Abordaje integral K1 Atención multidisciplinar K1 Comprehensive approach K1 Infantile cerebral palsy K1 Multidisciplinary care K1 Paediatrics K1 Parálisis cerebral infantil K1 Pediatría AB Infantile cerebral palsy is one of the most prevalent diseases and the most frequent cause of disability in paediatrics. Children with cerebral palsy have complex health care needs and often require the care of a multidisciplinary team. However, in many cases there is no paediatrician with overall responsibility for coordinating follow-up. We have produced a support document intended for paediatricians coordinating the care of children with cerebral palsy. Our aim is to provide an ordered compilation of the main issues these patients may develop, to know how to identify and address them if necessary, and to establish criteria for referring these patients to other specialists. YR 2021 FD 2021-08-27 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10668/24550 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10668/24550 LA es DS RISalud RD Mar 17, 2025