RT Journal Article T1 Effect of omega-3 fatty acids on hypoalbuminemia in acute heart failure patients with increased inflammatory activity A1 Bonilla Palomas, Juan Luis A1 Gamez Lopez, Antonio Luis A1 Moreno Conde, Mirian A1 Lopez Ibanez, Maria Cristina A1 Moreno Villar, Maria Amparo K1 Heart failure K1 Hypoalbuminemia K1 Inflammatory activity K1 Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids K1 Clinical trial K1 Polyunsaturated fatty-acids K1 Levels predict survival K1 Necrosis-factor-alpha K1 Serum-albumin K1 European-society K1 Protein K1 Activation K1 Receptors K1 Mortality K1 Diagnosis AB Introduction: inflammatory activity (IA) is a cause of hypoalbuminemia in patients with acute heart failure (AHF).Objectives: the main objective of this study was to evaluate whether an AI modulator treatment contributes to correcting albuminemia in this context.Methods: in this clinical trial 43 patients with AHF, hypoalbuminemia (serum albumin = 25 mg/l] were randomly assigned to receive omega-3 fatty acids (4 g daily) or placebo for 4 weeks. Albuminemia and CRP were reassessed at weeks 1 and 4. An analysis of variance for repeated measures was performed.Results: mean age was 75.6 +/- 8.8 years, 72.1 % were male, and the most frequent etiology was ischemic (46.5 %). The two groups were homogeneous in their baseline characteristics. A significant increase in albumin concentration was found at week 4 from baseline (p for the effect of time PB Aran ediciones, s l SN 0212-1611 YR 2021 FD 2021-09-01 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10668/26573 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10668/26573 LA es DS RISalud RD Mar 18, 2025