RT Journal Article T1 Evidence of new risk genetic factor to systemic lupus erythematosus: the UBASH3A gene A1 Diaz-Gallo, Lina-Marcela A1 Sánchez, Elena A1 Ortego-Centeno, Norberto A1 Sabio, Jose Mario A1 García-Hernández, Francisco J A1 Ramón, Enrique de A1 González-Gay, Miguel A. A1 Witte, Torsten A1 Anders, Hans-Joachim A1 González-Escribano, Maria F A1 Martin, Javier K1 UBASH3A protein, human K1 Adaptor Proteins, Signal Transducing K1 Alelos K1 Predisposición Genética a la Enfermedad K1 Humanos K1 Desequilibrio de Ligamiento K1 Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico K1 Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple K1 Sitios de Carácter Cuantitativo K1 Proteínas Adaptadoras Transductoras de Señales AB The ubiquitin associated and Src-homology 3 (SH3) domain containing A (UBASH3a) is a suppressor of T-cell receptor signaling, underscoring antigen presentation to T-cells as a critical shared mechanism of diseases pathogenesis. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the UBASH3a gene influence the susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Caucasian populations. We evaluated five UBASH3a polymorphisms (rs2277798, rs2277800, rs9976767, rs13048049 and rs17114930), using TaqMan® allelic discrimination assays, in a discovery cohort that included 906 SLE patients and 1165 healthy controls from Spain. The SNPs that exhibit statistical significance difference were evaluated in a German replication cohort of 360 SLE patients and 379 healthy controls. The case-control analysis in the Spanish population showed a significant association between the rs9976767 and SLE (Pc = 9.9E-03 OR = 1.21 95%CI = 1.07-1.37) and a trend of association for the rs2277798 analysis (P = 0.09 OR = 0.9 95%CI = 0.79-1.02). The replication in a German cohort and the meta-analysis confirmed that the rs9976767 (Pc = 0.02; Pc = 2.4E-04, for German cohort and meta-analysis, respectively) and rs2277798 (Pc = 0.013; Pc = 4.7E-03, for German cohort and meta-analysis, respectively) UBASH3a variants are susceptibility factors for SLE. Finally, a conditional regression analysis suggested that the most likely genetic variation responsible for the association was the rs9976767 polymorphism. Our results suggest that UBASH3a gene plays a role in the susceptibility to SLE. Moreover, our study indicates that UBASH3a can be considered as a common genetic factor in autoimmune diseases. PB Public Library of Science YR 2013 FD 2013-04-02 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10668/1421 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10668/1421 LA en NO Diaz-Gallo L-M, Sánchez E, Ortego-Centeno N, Sabio JM, García-Hernández FJ, et al. Evidence of New Risk Genetic Factor to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: The UBASH3A Gene. PLoS ONE. 2013; 8(4): e60646. NO Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't; DS RISalud RD Mar 13, 2025