RT Journal Article T1 The burden of mental disorders, substance use disorders and self-harm among young people in Europe, 1990-2019: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. A1 Castelpietra, Giulio A1 Knudsen, Ann Kristin Skrindo A1 Agardh, Emilie E A1 Armocida, Benedetta A1 Beghi, Massimiliano A1 Iburg, Kim Moesgaard A1 Logroscino, Giancarlo A1 Ma, Rui A1 Starace, Fabrizio A1 Steel, Nicholas A1 Addolorato, Giovanni A1 Andrei, Catalina Liliana A1 Andrei, Tudorel A1 Ayuso-Mateos, Jose L A1 Banach, Maciej A1 Bärnighausen, Till Winfried A1 Barone-Adesi, Francesco A1 Bhagavathula, Akshaya Srikanth A1 Carvalho, Felix A1 Carvalho, Márcia A1 Chandan, Joht Singh A1 Chattu, Vijay Kumar A1 Couto, Rosa A S A1 Cruz-Martins, Natália A1 Dargan, Paul I A1 Deuba, Keshab A1 da Silva, Diana Dias A1 Fagbamigbe, Adeniyi Francis A1 Fernandes, Eduarda A1 Ferrara, Pietro A1 Fischer, Florian A1 Gaal, Peter Andras A1 Gialluisi, Alessandro A1 Haagsma, Juanita A A1 Haro, Josep Maria A1 Hasan, M Tasdik A1 Hasan, Syed Shahzad A1 Hostiuc, Sorin A1 Iacoviello, Licia A1 Iavicoli, Ivo A1 Jamshidi, Elham A1 Jonas, Jost B A1 Joo, Tamas A1 Jozwiak, Jacek Jerzy A1 Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal A1 Kauppila, Joonas H A1 Khan, Moien A B A1 Kisa, Adnan A1 Kisa, Sezer A1 Kivimäki, Mika A1 Koly, Kamrun Nahar A1 Koyanagi, Ai A1 Kumar, Manasi A1 Lallukka, Tea A1 Langguth, Berthold A1 Ledda, Caterina A1 Lee, Paul H A1 Lega, Ilaria A1 Linehan, Christine A1 Loureiro, Joana A A1 Madureira-Carvalho, Áurea M A1 Martinez-Raga, Jose A1 Mathur, Manu Raj A1 McGrath, John J A1 Mechili, Enkeleint A A1 Mentis, Alexios-Fotios A A1 Mestrovic, Tomislav A1 Miazgowski, Bartosz A1 Mirica, Andreea A1 Mirijello, Antonio A1 Moazen, Babak A1 Mohammed, Shafiu A1 Mulita, Francesk A1 Nagel, Gabriele A1 Negoi, Ionut A1 Negoi, Ruxandra Irina A1 Nwatah, Vincent Ebuka A1 Padron-Monedero, Alicia A1 Panda-Jonas, Songhomitra A1 Pardhan, Shahina A1 Pasovic, Maja A1 Patel, Jay A1 Petcu, Ionela-Roxana A1 Pinheiro, Marina A1 Pollok, Richard Charles G A1 Postma, Maarten J A1 Rawaf, David Laith A1 Rawaf, Salman A1 Romero-Rodríguez, Esperanza A1 Ronfani, Luca A1 Sagoe, Dominic A1 Sanmarchi, Francesco A1 Schaub, Michael P A1 Sharew, Nigussie Tadesse A1 Shiri, Rahman A1 Shokraneh, Farhad A1 Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora A1 Silva, João Pedro A1 Silva, Renata A1 Socea, Bogdan A1 Szócska, Miklós A1 Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael A1 Torrado, Marco A1 Tovani-Palone, Marcos Roberto A1 Vasankari, Tommi Juhani A1 Veroux, Massimiliano A1 Viner, Russell M A1 Werdecker, Andrea A1 Winkler, Andrea Sylvia A1 Hay, Simon I A1 Ferrari, Alize J A1 Naghavi, Mohsen A1 Allebeck, Peter A1 Monasta, Lorenzo K1 Europe K1 Mental disorders K1 Mental health K1 Self-harm K1 Substance use K1 Young people AB Mental health is a public health issue for European young people, with great heterogeneity in resource allocation. Representative population-based studies are needed. The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study 2019 provides internationally comparable information on trends in the health status of populations and changes in the leading causes of disease burden over time. Prevalence, incidence, Years Lived with Disability (YLDs) and Years of Life Lost (YLLs) from mental disorders (MDs), substance use disorders (SUDs) and self-harm were estimated for young people aged 10-24 years in 31 European countries. Rates per 100,000 population, percentage changes in 1990-2019, 95% Uncertainty Intervals (UIs), and correlations with Sociodemographic Index (SDI), were estimated. In 2019, rates per 100,000 population were 16,983 (95% UI 12,823 - 21,630) for MDs, 3,891 (3,020 - 4,905) for SUDs, and 89·1 (63·8 - 123·1) for self-harm. In terms of disability, anxiety contributed to 647·3 (432-912·3) YLDs, while in terms of premature death, self-harm contributed to 319·6 (248·9-412·8) YLLs, per 100,000 population. Over the 30 years studied, YLDs increased in eating disorders (14·9%;9·4-20·1) and drug use disorders (16·9%;8·9-26·3), and decreased in idiopathic developmental intellectual disability (-29·1%;23·8-38·5). YLLs decreased in self-harm (-27·9%;38·3-18·7). Variations were found by sex, age-group and country. The burden of SUDs and self-harm was higher in countries with lower SDI, MDs were associated with SUDs. Mental health conditions represent an important burden among young people living in Europe. National policies should strengthen mental health, with a specific focus on young people. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. PB The Lancet Publishing Group YR 2022 FD 2022 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10668/22349 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10668/22349 LA en NO Castelpietra G, Knudsen AKS, Agardh EE, Armocida B, Beghi M, Iburg KM, et al. The burden of mental disorders, substance use disorders and self-harm among young people in Europe, 1990-2019: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2022 Apr 1;16:100341 NO TWB€arnighausen was supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation through the Alexander von Humboldt Professor award, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. F Carvalho acknowledges support from Fundacao para a Ciencia ea Tecnologia (FCT), I.P., in the scope of the project UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences - UCIBIO and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy - i4HB; FCT/MCTES (Ministerio da Ci^encia, Tecnologia eEnsino Superior) through the project UIDB/50006/2020. M Carvalho acknowledges the support from FCT in the scope of the project IDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of UCIBIO and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of i4HB. J S Chandan is funded on a lectureship post by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) and has been awarded funds from the NIHR and the Youth Endowment Fund. S Dias da Silva acknowledges the projects UIDP/04378/2021 and UIDB/04378/2021 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences−UCIBIO; the project LA/P/0140/2021 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy−i4HB; and TOXRUN − Toxicology Research Unit, University Institute of Health Sciences, IUCS-CESPU, Portugal. A J Ferrari is supportedby a National Health and Medical Research Council Early Career Fellowship Grant APP1121516 and is employed by the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research which receives core funding from the Queensland Department of Health. S V Katikireddi would like to acknowledge funding from a NRS Senior Clinical Fellowship (SCAF/15/02), the Medical Research Council (MC_UU_00022/2) and the Scottish Government Chief Scientist Office (SPHSU17). J H Kauppila reports research grants from Sigrid Juselius Foundation and the Finnish Cancer Foundation. M Kivimaki was supported by the Wellcome Trust (221854/Z/20/Z) and the Medical Research Council, UK (MR/R024227/1, MR/S011676/1). M Kumar would like to acknowledge DS RISalud RD Mar 14, 2025