RT Journal Article T1 Psychometric validation of the Serbian version of the Fear Avoidance Component Scale (FACS). A1 Knezevic, Aleksandar A1 Neblett, Randy A1 Gatchel, Robert J A1 Jeremic-Knezevic, Milica A1 Bugarski-Ignjatovic, Vojislava A1 Tomasevic-Todorovic, Snezana A1 Boskovic, Ksenija A1 Cuesta-Vargas, Antonio I AB The Fear Avoidance Components Scale (FACS) is a new patient-reported outcome (PRO) questionnaire designed to comprehensively evaluate fear avoidance (FA) beliefs and attitudes in persons with painful medical conditions. The original English version has demonstrated acceptable psychometric properties, including concurrent and predictive validity. Two factors have been identified: 1. general fear avoidance; and 2. types of activities that are avoided. The FACS was first translated into Serbian, and then psychometrically validated. A cohort of 322 chronic musculoskeletal pain subjects completed the FACS-Serb and additional FA-related patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures. Their FACS-Serb scores were then compared to a cohort of 68 acute pain subjects. Test-retest reliability (ICC2,1 = 0.928) and internal consistency for both Factors (Cronbach α 0.904 and 0,880 respectively) were very good. An acceptable fit was found with a confirmatory factor analysis of the 2-factor model found with the original English version of the FACS. Strong associations were found among FACS-Serb scores and other PRO measures of pain catastrophizing, depressive/anxiety symptoms, perceived disability, and pain intensity (p The FACS-Serb demonstrated strong psychometric properties, including strong reliability and internal consistency, criterion validity (through associations with other FA-related PRO measures), and discriminant validity (through comparisons with a separate acute pain cohort). The FACS-Serb appears to be a potentially useful pain-related assessment tool. YR 2018 FD 2018-09-24 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10668/12989 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10668/12989 LA en DS RISalud RD Mar 14, 2025