RT Journal Article T1 Procalcitonin (PCT) levels for ruling-out bacterial coinfection in ICU patients with influenza: A CHAID decision-tree analysis. A1 Rodríguez, Alejandro H A1 Avilés-Jurado, Francesc X A1 Díaz, Emili A1 Schuetz, Philipp A1 Trefler, Sandra I A1 Solé-Violán, Jordi A1 Cordero, Lourdes A1 Vidaur, Loreto A1 Estella, Ángel A1 Pozo Laderas, Juan C A1 Socias, Lorenzo A1 Vergara, Juan C A1 Zaragoza, Rafael A1 Bonastre, Juan A1 Guerrero, José E A1 Suberviola, Borja A1 Cilloniz, Catia A1 Restrepo, Marcos I A1 Martín-Loeches, Ignacio A1 SEMICYUC/GETGAG Working Group, K1 CHAID analysis K1 Community-acquired pneumonia K1 Influenza A(H1N1)pmd K1 Procalcitonin K1 Prognosis K1 Respiratory coinfection K1 Septic shock AB To define which variables upon ICU admission could be related to the presence of coinfection using CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection) analysis. A secondary analysis from a prospective, multicentre, observational study (2009-2014) in ICU patients with confirmed A(H1N1)pdm09 infection. We assessed the potential of biomarkers and clinical variables upon admission to the ICU for coinfection diagnosis using CHAID analysis. Performance of cut-off points obtained was determined on the basis of the binominal distributions of the true (+) and true (-) results. Of the 972 patients included, 196 (20.3%) had coinfection. Procalcitonin (PCT; ng/mL 2.4 vs. 0.5, p  PCT has a high negative predictive value (94%) and lower PCT levels seems to be a good tool for excluding coinfection, particularly for patients without shock. YR 2015 FD 2015-12-15 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10668/9678 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10668/9678 LA en DS RISalud RD Mar 14, 2025