%0 Journal Article %A Núñez-Núñez, María %A Navarro, María Dolores %A Gkolia, Panagiota %A Babu Rajendran, Nithya %A Del Toro, María Dolores %A Voss, Andreas %A Sharland, Mike %A Sifakis, Frangiscos %A Tacconelli, Evelina %A Rodríguez-Baño, Jesús %T Surveillance Systems from Public Health Institutions and Scientific Societies for Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections in Europe (SUSPIRE): protocol for a systematic review %D 2017 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10668/2615 %X The worldwide spread of antimicrobial resistance is now recognised as a global public health threat. Owing to the geographical heterogeneity, complexity and continuously evolving dynamics of resistant organisms and genes, surveillance is a key tool for understanding, measuring and informing actions in the fight against this problem. To date there is no harmonisation of key indicators or of methodologies used to obtain them. %K Bacterias %K Infección Hospitalaria %K Europa (Continente) %K Salud pública %~