Cognitive Representations of Diabetes and their Role in Metabolic Control and Health: When a Positive View of Illness Protects

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De los Santos-Roiga, Macarena
Ruiz-Gonzalez, Isabel
Robles-Ortega, Humbelina
Perez-Melendez, Cristino


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Colegio oficial psicologos madrid
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A positive cognitive illness representation (CIR) of diabetes is associated with better metabolic control and health. The aims of this research were to assess CIR with a newly developed Spanish scale - the ERCE - and to predict metabolic control, health outcomes, and psychological distress. One hundred and fifty-two Type 1 diabetic patients were all administered the ERCE, the MOS SF-36, the PANAS, and the HADS scales. Data on glycated hemoglobin (HbAlc) were also collected. Scores on the ERCE led to the creation of two profiles (+1- CIR) by clustering the scores. After patients were grouped, multiple hierarchical regressions were performed. A negative view of diabetes (negative CIR) was associated with poor health outcomes. The ERCE scale demonstrated acceptable psychometric guarantees and validity evidences for being used in clinical contexts. This new instrument allows educators to adjust treatment to each individual, which leads to a more efficient and better support for people with diabetes in Spain.


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Diabetes mellitus, HbA1c, Health outcomes, Psychological distress, ERCE scale validity, Illness representation, Self-care behaviors, Perception-questionnaire, Hospital anxiety, Cluster-analysis, Spanish version, Negative affect, Validation, Association, Psychology, Survival
