Publication: Monographic consultation of onconephrology. Rationale and implementation.
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Alonso, Fabiola
Auñón, Pilar
Cavero, Teresa
Salgueira, Mercedes
Praga, Manuel
Quiroga, Borja
de Francisco, Ángel L M
Macía, Manuel
Grupo Español de Onconefrología (ONCONEFRO)
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The increase in demand for medical care for renal complications associated with neoplastic diseases is a reality in most nephrology departments. In response to this overall situation, the creation of healthcare models such as monographic consultations and develop training programs in onconephrology could improve the care of these patients. Through an exploratory and descriptive study, we identified current situation of kidney involvement in cancer patients. The objective of the present study is to establish the criteria for specific assistance in the field of onconephrology. For this, we have reviewed key aspects and analyzed the current situation in our country, through a survey addressed to all nephrologists through the Spanish Society of Nephrology, together with the experience of 2 Spanish centers. From this information, we have established some requirements and recommendations for the start-up of these consultations.
MeSH Terms
DeCS Terms
CIE Terms
Acute kidney injury, Antineoplasic drugs, Antineoplásicos, Cancer, Chronic kidney disease, Cáncer, Daño renal agudo, Enfermedad renal crónica, Onconefrología, Onconephrology