Genotypic and Phenotypic Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus Prosthetic Joint Infections: Insight on the Pathogenesis and Prognosis of a Multicenter Prospective Cohort

dc.contributor.authorMunoz-Gallego, Irene
dc.contributor.authorViedma, Esther
dc.contributor.authorEsteban, Jaime
dc.contributor.authorMancheno-Losa, Mikel
dc.contributor.authorGarcia-Canete, Joaquin
dc.contributor.authorBlanco-Garcia, Antonio
dc.contributor.authorRico, Alicia
dc.contributor.authorGarcia-Perea, Adelaida
dc.contributor.authorRuiz Garbajosa, Patricia
dc.contributor.authorEscudero-Sanchez, Rosa
dc.contributor.authorSomolinos, Mar Sanchez
dc.contributor.authorArriaza, Mercedes Marin
dc.contributor.authorRomanyk, Juan
dc.contributor.authorBarbero, Jose Maria
dc.contributor.authorVilela, Ana Arribi
dc.contributor.authorRomo, Fernando Gonzalez
dc.contributor.authorPerez-Jorge, Conchita
dc.contributor.authorArana, David M.
dc.contributor.authorMonereo, Alfonso
dc.contributor.authorDomingo, Diego
dc.contributor.authorCordero, Jose
dc.contributor.authorSanchez Romero, Ma Isabel
dc.contributor.authorGarcia Viejo, Miguel Angel
dc.contributor.authorLora-Tamayo, Jaime
dc.contributor.authorChaves, Fernando
dc.contributor.authorGrp Infeccion Osteoarticular Comun
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Munoz-Gallego, Irene] Univ Complutense, Hosp Univ 12 Octubre, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Viedma, Esther] Univ Complutense, Hosp Univ 12 Octubre, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Chaves, Fernando] Univ Complutense, Hosp Univ 12 Octubre, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Munoz-Gallego, Irene] Inst Invest Sanitaria Hosp 12 Octubre Imas12, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Viedma, Esther] Inst Invest Sanitaria Hosp 12 Octubre Imas12, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Mancheno-Losa, Mikel] Inst Invest Sanitaria Hosp 12 Octubre Imas12, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Lora-Tamayo, Jaime] Inst Invest Sanitaria Hosp 12 Octubre Imas12, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Chaves, Fernando] Inst Invest Sanitaria Hosp 12 Octubre Imas12, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Viedma, Esther] Inst Salud Carlos III, Minist Ciencia & Innovac, Red Espanola Invest Patol Infecciosa REIPI, Seville, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Ruiz Garbajosa, Patricia] Inst Salud Carlos III, Minist Ciencia & Innovac, Red Espanola Invest Patol Infecciosa REIPI, Seville, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Escudero-Sanchez, Rosa] Inst Salud Carlos III, Minist Ciencia & Innovac, Red Espanola Invest Patol Infecciosa REIPI, Seville, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Lora-Tamayo, Jaime] Inst Salud Carlos III, Minist Ciencia & Innovac, Red Espanola Invest Patol Infecciosa REIPI, Seville, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Chaves, Fernando] Inst Salud Carlos III, Minist Ciencia & Innovac, Red Espanola Invest Patol Infecciosa REIPI, Seville, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Esteban, Jaime] IIS Fdn Jimenez Diaz, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Mancheno-Losa, Mikel] Univ Complutense, Hosp Univ 12 Octubre, Serv Med Interna, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Lora-Tamayo, Jaime] Univ Complutense, Hosp Univ 12 Octubre, Serv Med Interna, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Garcia-Canete, Joaquin] Hosp Univ Fdn Jimenez Diaz, Serv Med Interna Urgencias, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Blanco-Garcia, Antonio] Hosp Univ Fdn Jimenez Diaz, Serv Med Interna Urgencias, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Rico, Alicia] Hosp Univ La Paz, Serv Med Interna, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Garcia-Perea, Adelaida] Hosp Univ La Paz, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Ruiz Garbajosa, Patricia] Hosp Univ Ramon Y Cajal, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Escudero-Sanchez, Rosa] Hosp Univ Ramon Y Cajal, Serv Enfermedades Infecciosas, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Somolinos, Mar Sanchez] Hosp Gen Univ Gregorio Maranon, Serv Microbiol & Enfermedades Infecciosas, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Arriaza, Mercedes Marin] Hosp Gen Univ Gregorio Maranon, Serv Microbiol & Enfermedades Infecciosas, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Arriaza, Mercedes Marin] CIBER De Enfermedades Respiratorias CIBERES, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Romanyk, Juan] Hosp Univ Principe Asturias, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Barbero, Jose Maria] Hosp Univ Principe Asturias, Serv Med Interna, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Vilela, Ana Arribi] Hosp Clin San Carlos, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Romo, Fernando Gonzalez] Hosp Clin San Carlos, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Perez-Jorge, Conchita] Hosp Univ Rey Juan Carlos, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Arana, David M.] Hosp Univ Getafe, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Monereo, Alfonso] Hosp Univ Getafe, Serv Med Interna, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Domingo, Diego] Hosp Univ La Princesa, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Cordero, Jose] Hosp Univ La Princesa, Serv Traumatol, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Sanchez Romero, Ma Isabel] Hosp Univ Puerta Hierro, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation[Garcia Viejo, Miguel Angel] Hosp Univ Puerta Hierro, Serv Med Interna, Madrid, Spain
dc.contributor.funderPlanes Nacionales de I+D+i
dc.contributor.funderInstituto deSalud Carlos III
dc.contributor.funderSubdireccion General de Redes y Centros de Investigacion Cooperativa
dc.contributor.funderMinisterio de Economia y Competitividad
dc.contributor.funderSpanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI)
dc.contributor.funderEuropean Development Regional Fund "A Way to Achieve Europe"
dc.contributor.funderSpanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology (SEIMC)
dc.contributor.funderJuan Rodes fellowship grant (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)
dc.contributor.funderRio Hortega fellowship grant (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)
dc.description.abstractBackground. Staphylococcus aureus is the leading cause of prosthetic joint infection (PJI). Beyond the antibiogram, little attention has been paid to the influence of deep microbiological characteristics on patient prognosis. Our aim was to investigate whether microbiological genotypic and phenotypic features have a significant influence on infection pathogenesis and patient outcome.Methods. A prospective multicenter study was performed, including all S. aureus PJIs (2016-2017). Clinical data and phenotypic (agr functionality, beta-hemolysis, biofilm formation) and genotypic characteristics of the strains were collected. Biofilm susceptibility to antimicrobials was investigated (minimal biofilm eradication concentration [MBEC] assay).Results. Eighty-eight patients (39.8% men, age 74.7 +/- 14.1 years) were included. Forty-five had early postoperative infections (EPIs), 21 had chronic infections (CPIs), and 19 had hematogenous infections (HIs). Twenty (22.7%) were caused by methicillin-resistant S. aureus. High genotypic diversity was observed, including 16 clonal complexes (CCs), with CC5 being the most frequent (30.7%). agr activity was greater in EPI than CPI (55.6% vs 28.6%; P = .041). Strains causing EPI were phenotypically and genotypically similar, regardless of symptom duration. Treatment failure (36.5%) occurred less frequently among cases treated with implant removal. In cases treated with debridement and implant retention, there were fewer failures among those who received combination therapy with rifampin. No genotypic or phenotypic characteristics predicted failure, except vancomycin minimal inhibitory concentration >= 1.5 mg/L (23.1% failure vs 3.4%; P = .044). MBEC(50 )was >128 mg/L for all antibiotics tested and showed no association with prognosis.Conclusions. S. aureus with different genotypic backgrounds is capable of causing PJI, showing slight differences in clinical presentation and pathogenesis. No major microbiological characteristics were observed to influence the outcome, including MBEC.
dc.journal.titleOpen forum infectious diseases
dc.journal.titleabbreviationOpen forum infect. dis.
dc.organizationServicio Andaluz de Salud-SAS
dc.publisherOxford univ press inc
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.rights.accessRightsopen access
dc.subjectbone infections
dc.subjectprosthetic joint infections
dc.subjectStaphylococcus aureus
dc.subjectTreatment failure
dc.titleGenotypic and Phenotypic Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus Prosthetic Joint Infections: Insight on the Pathogenesis and Prognosis of a Multicenter Prospective Cohort
dc.typeresearch article
