Publication: Comparabilidad de las ediciones 2006/7 y 2011/12 de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud
Cabrera-León, Andrés
Ferri-García, Ramón
Navarro, Sofía
Saez, Marc
Daponte Codina, Antonio
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Ministerio de Sanidad Servicios Sociales e Igualdad
Fundamentos: La Encuesta Nacional de Salud de España (ENSE) es una de las fuentes principales sobre determinantes sociales de la salud. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron describir el procedimiento de fusión de las ediciones 2006/07 y 2011/12 de la ENSE, y proporcionar acceso libre a las bases de datos y directorio de variables. Métodos: Identificamos las variables comparables a partir de los cuestionarios, construyendo otras nuevas para conseguir la comparabilidad o para proporcionar nuevos indicadores de interés. Obtuvimos dos bases de datos fusionadas y dos directorios de variables con sus diccionarios (muestra de adultos y de menores). Resultados: Identificamos 188 variables potencialmente comparables. Un 36,7% tuvieron algún problema para su comparabilidad y un 8% tuvieron que ser eliminadas, fundamentalmente en la muestra de adultos. El ámbito con peores consecuencias de la falta de comparabilidad fue el de condiciones de trabajo y empleo en la muestra de adultos. Conclusión: La fusión de ambas ediciones de la ENSE tuvo muchas incidencias en la muestra de adultos, afectando de manera importante a su comparabilidad. Este trabajo es útil para evaluar, diseñar y fusionar estas y otras ediciones de la ENSE, e incluso sirve como modelo para la fusión de otras encuestas transversales de base poblacional.
Background: The Spanish Health Survey (SHS) is one of the main sources on social determinants of health. The objectives were to describe the data merging process of the 2006/07 and 2011/12 SHS editions, as well as to provide the merged databases and the directory of the variables. Methods: The comparable variables were identified from the questionnaires. Other new variables were created to achieve comparability or to provide new indicators of interest. We obtained two completed merged databases, as well as two variable directories with their dictionaries (each one for the adults and children samples). Results: 188 variables were identified as potentially comparable ones. 36,7% of them had difficulties for being comparable and 8% had to be removed. The topic with the worst consequences due to the lack of comparability was the working conditions and employment from the adult sample. Conclusion: The merging of both SHS editions had a lot of problems, especially in the adult’s sample. That affects to its comparability. This work may be useful to assess, design and merge these and other editions of the SHS, as well as to serve as a model to be applied in other cross-sectional population-based surveys.
Background: The Spanish Health Survey (SHS) is one of the main sources on social determinants of health. The objectives were to describe the data merging process of the 2006/07 and 2011/12 SHS editions, as well as to provide the merged databases and the directory of the variables. Methods: The comparable variables were identified from the questionnaires. Other new variables were created to achieve comparability or to provide new indicators of interest. We obtained two completed merged databases, as well as two variable directories with their dictionaries (each one for the adults and children samples). Results: 188 variables were identified as potentially comparable ones. 36,7% of them had difficulties for being comparable and 8% had to be removed. The topic with the worst consequences due to the lack of comparability was the working conditions and employment from the adult sample. Conclusion: The merging of both SHS editions had a lot of problems, especially in the adult’s sample. That affects to its comparability. This work may be useful to assess, design and merge these and other editions of the SHS, as well as to serve as a model to be applied in other cross-sectional population-based surveys.
MeSH Terms
Medical Subject Headings::Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena::Social Sciences::Economics::Economic Recession
Medical Subject Headings::Psychiatry and Psychology::Psychological Phenomena and Processes::Psychological Theory::Psychoanalytic Theory::Psychosexual Development::Gender Identity
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation::Quality of Health Care::Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms::Data Collection::Health Surveys::Health Status Indicators
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation::Quality of Health Care::Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms::Data Collection::Health Surveys
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation::Delivery of Health Care::Healthcare Disparities
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation::Quality of Health Care::Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms::Data Collection::Health Surveys::Population Surveillance::Public Health Surveillance
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Population Characteristics::Health::Social Determinants of Health
Medical Subject Headings::Psychiatry and Psychology::Psychological Phenomena and Processes::Psychological Theory::Psychoanalytic Theory::Psychosexual Development::Gender Identity
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation::Quality of Health Care::Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms::Data Collection::Health Surveys::Health Status Indicators
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation::Quality of Health Care::Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms::Data Collection::Health Surveys
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation::Delivery of Health Care::Healthcare Disparities
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation::Quality of Health Care::Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms::Data Collection::Health Surveys::Population Surveillance::Public Health Surveillance
Medical Subject Headings::Health Care::Population Characteristics::Health::Social Determinants of Health
DeCS Terms
CIE Terms
Encuestas de salud, Determinantes sociales de la salud, Desigualdades en la salud, Indicadores de salud, Recesión económica, España, Vigilancia en salud pública, Health surveys, Social determinants of health, Healthcare inequalities, Health status indicators, Gender identity, Economic recession, Spain, Public health surveillance
Cabrera-León A, Ferri-García R, Navarro S, Saez M, Daponte Codina A. Comparabilidad de las ediciones 2006/7 y 2011/12 de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud. Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2017 Nov 27;91. pii: e201711044