Evaluation of AIF-1 (Allograft Inflammatory Factor-1) as a Biomarker of Crohn's Disease Severity.

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Guijarro, Luis G
Cano-Martínez, David
Toledo-Lobo, M Val
Ruiz-Llorente, Lidia
Chaparro, María
Guerra, Iván
Iborra, Marisa
Cabriada, José Luis
Bujanda, Luis
Taxonera, Carlos


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Background: Recently, increased tissue levels of AIF-1 have been shown in experimental colitis, supporting its role in intestinal inflammation. Therefore, we studied the levels of AIF-1 in Crohn’s disease (CD). Methods: This study included 33 patients with CD (14 men and 19 women) who participated in the PREDICROHN project, a prospective multicenter study of the Spanish Group of Inflammatory bowel disease (GETECCU). Results: This article demonstrates declines with respect to baseline levels of serum AIF-1 in Crohn’s disease (CD) patients after 14 weeks of treatment with anti-TNFs. Furthermore, in patients with active CD (HB ≥ 5), serum AIF-1 levels were significantly higher than those in patients without activity (HB ≤ 4). The study of serum AIF-1 in the same cohort, revealed an area under the ROC curve (AUC) value of AUC = 0.66 (p = 0.014), while for the CRP (C-reactive protein), (AUC) value of 0.69 (p = 0.0066), indicating a similar ability to classify CD patients by their severity. However, the combination of data on serum levels of AIF-1 and CRP improves the predictive ability of these analyses for classifying CD patients as active (HB ≥ 5) or inactive (HB ≤ 4). When we used the odds ratio (OR) formula, we observed that patients with CRP > 5 mg/L or AIF-1 > 200 pg/mL or both conditions were 13 times more likely to show HB ≥ 5 (active CD) than were those with both markers below these thresholds. Conclusion: The development of an algorithm that includes serum levels of AIF-1 and CRP could be useful for assessing Crohn’s disease severity.


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AIF-1, CRP, Crohn’s disease, anti-TNFs
