Publication: Sustainable Diets as Tools to Harmonize the Health of Individuals, Communities and the Planet: A Systematic Review.
Kowalsky, Tatianna Oliva
Morilla Romero de la Osa, Rubén
Cerrillo, Isabel
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Climate change and global health are inextricably linked. Thus, health systems and their professionals must adapt and evolve without losing quality of care. To identify health and environmental co-benefits derived from a sustainable diet and promotion strategies that favor its implementation. A systematic search for articles published on sustainable diets and human/planetary health published between 2013 and 2020 was conducted on the databases PubMed, Cinahl, Scopus and Trip from 4 to 7 May 2020 in accordance with the PRISMA guideline. A total of 201 articles was retrieved, but only 21 were included. A calorie-balanced diet mainly based on food of plant origin that would allow the attainment of 60% of daily caloric requirements and a low protein intake from animal foods (focusing in fish and poultry) could significantly reduce global morbi-mortality and the dietary environmental impact maintaining a framework of sustainability conditioned by the consumption of fresh, seasonal, locally produced and minimally packaged products. The implementation of sustainable diets requires working on the triangulation of concepts of food-health-environment from schools and that is permanently reinforced during all stages of the life by healthcare workers, who should establish the appropriate modifications according to the age, gender and health situation.
MeSH Terms
Feeding Behavior
Food Supply
Nutritional Requirements
Feeding Behavior
Food Supply
Nutritional Requirements
DeCS Terms
CIE Terms
climate change, global health, healthy diets, sustainable diets