Publication: Effect of Filters on the Noise Generated by Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Delivered via a Helmet.
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Hernández-Molina, Ricardo
Fernández-Zacarías, Francisco
Benavente-Fernández, Isabel
Jiménez-Gómez, Gema
Lubián-López, Simón
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One of the problems that the delivery of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) via a helmet poses is the generation of noise. The objective of our study was to assess the effect that the use of filter has on sound pressure levels generated by the delivery of positive airway pressure at different gas flow rates. Sound pressure levels generated by neonatal helmet CPAP delivery were measured at different gas flows (20, 30, and 40 l/min) with and without a breathing filter. Noise intensity was measured by installing microphones in the inner ear of dummy heads wearing helmets. The sound pressure level increased by 38% at a gas flow of 40 l/min, as compared to a gas flow of 20 l/min {74 dBA [interquartile range (IQR) 2,2] vs 52 dBA (IQR 5,9), respectively}. Using the breathing filter as a diffuser has a variety of effects on sound pressure levels according to the gas flow rate. The intensity of the noise generated by helmet delivery of positive airway pressure depends on the type of helmet used, gas flow, and use or not of a diffuser filter. Breathing filters with gas flows over 30 l/min might not be recommended since they would not attenuate but will rather amplify sound pressure.
MeSH Terms
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
Equipment Design
Head Protective Devices
Infant, Newborn
Equipment Design
Head Protective Devices
Infant, Newborn